🍧Funding and Pricing

funding mark

  • ImpactMid = (avgImpactBid(ImpactNotional) + avgImpactAsk(ImpactNotional)) / 2

    • computed every TickInterval

      • set to 5 seconds

    • avgImpactBid, avgImpactAsk are average cost per contract when buying/selling ImpactNotional worth of contracts

      • ImpactNotional is in the base asset (usually USDB)

        • for large pairs set to $10,000 to $100,000

        • for small pairs set to $1,000 to $10,000

  • FundingMark = ema(ImpactMids, Weight)

    • computed every TickInterval

    • ema is exponential moving average

      • Weight is the EMA weighting

        • set to 2 / 7

      • ImpactMids is list of previous ImpactMid every TickInterval

funding rate

  • Premium = (twap(FundingMarks) - twap(Indexs)) / Index

    • computed every SettleInterval

      • set to 1 hour

    • Index is oracle price

      • stork oracle

      • for prelaunch perpetuals, it is a computed value

    • twap is time weighted average price

      • FundingMarks is list of previous FundingMark over the last SettleInterval

      • Indexs is list of previous Index over the last SettleInterval

    • Premium is considered as an amount per FundingInterval

      • set to 8 hours

  • FundingRate = BaseRate + clamp(Premium / (FundingInterval / SettleInterval), -Clamp, Clamp)

    • computed every SettleInterval

    • BaseRate is underlying interest rate of perpetual future per SettleInterval

      • set to 0

    • clamp(a, y, z) clamps a between y and z

      • defined as

        • a if y < a < z

        • y if a ≤ y

        • z if z ≤ a

    • Clamp is maximum magnitude funding can take (before underlying interest) per SettleInterval

      • set to 0.005 = 0.5%

    • FundingRate is considered as an amount per SettleInterval

funding amount

  • FundingAmount = FundingRate * Index

    • computed every SettleInterval

    • the FundingAmount is the notional amount longs pay shorts per contract per SettleInterval

Note: Funding settlement occurs every SettleInterval. No settlement occurs at open/close of positions.

Last updated